Abby started her soccer season this week. A few days before the game I got a call from the coordinator explaining that the coach had bailed out last minute, he was desperate for me (since I was Abby's contact on her sign up sheet) to step in and coach. How could I say no...if I did they wouldn't have a team and Abby was SO Excited to play. So what was I to do?
I volunteered Chuck. After all he has coaching experience, even if it is in tennis for High School. So now Chuck is learning all the rules of soccer with no goalies and he is on the field the entire game.
P.S. If you are reading this, please use your judgement in telling him how he became the coach. As far as he knows the coordinator requested him.
Lol, he's a good sport. Dallin started soccer this year, it's hilarious to watch those little kids out there!
That is hysterical! I won't tell. What a great thing for them to do together!!
*lol* You mean YOU weren't going to volunteer to coach, Jen? :P
That's excellent Jenn...and that's what happened to us a couple years back, but luckily someone else stepped up to coach, whew!:)
That's hilarious that Chuck doesn't know you volunteered him!! Is he wondering if he's gonna get a team shirt?
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