Sunday, August 9, 2009

Have you ever felt up to your ears in zucchini?

The day that Chuck's mom came into town I went to church on my own. It was a miracle that I was ready on time, even early so I left early enough to drive through some neighborhoods on the back roads for about 15 minutes before church started. So about 30 minutes after I left home I was making the last turn onto the street that church is on when behind me there is a man frantically waving at me to stop. Great! My low tire pressure light had been going on and off for the last few weeks and we had been refilling it. Did it really need to pick THIS morning to go completely flat? So I pull over into the grass on the corner and the nice couple, all dressed for their church services that morning, pull up beside me as we both roll down our windows. The sweet lady yells, "Excuse me, you have zucchini on your bumper!" To which I reply, "Oh, of course I do....would you like to have some?" They politely decline and I drive the last block to church, get out of my Jeep, and put my zucchini safely inside. I guess the kids had picked them and were too lazy or at least distracted and they never made it inside. However, they did survive a 30 minute scenic drive to church before they were shredded for future recipes of casserole and bread.

P.S. We did replace my tires later that week.

1 comment:

The Smith Family said...

I love this story. Too funny.