Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Abby was lucky enough to spend a week down in Georgia with her cousins Chloe and Phoebe last week. She hadn't been home in more that ten days and was completely fine with that. She is quite and independent little girl. Chuck and Eli went to pick her up on Saturday. They took three days to drive down to Tennessee where they were meeting Uncle Ryan, the girls and Abby at an ice cream factory. On the way down they stopped in Virginia and in the Smoky Mountains to camp, hike and fish. I was sad to miss out on such a great adventure, but it was nice to have a small break to work on the house and read before I started my summer school courses.


Sara Emily said...

What's with the upside down building??

The Smith Family said...

Looks like Eli had a blast! Beautiful country! Neat that Abby got to spend time with her cousins. I'm glad she's got some girl cousins in the mix!:)

The Chuck Smith Family said...

Hi Sara,

Chuck says it was in Pigeon Foge, TN. He describes it as "hillbilly Las Vegas"