Chuck has been busy working on our garden. It is amazing that you don't even need to water anything. He is growing corn, zuchini, several yellow squash, corn, chard, beets, brussel sprouts, lettuce, cantelope, peppers, eggplant, tomatos, wax beans, peas, and giant pumpkins. Everything looks great. We have started to get wonderful fresh veggies for dinner.
The giant pumpkin plant can't be controlled. It is starting to grow into my bushes and up the cable for the telephone pole. Abby and Eli are having fun watching everything grow so fast!
Awesome! Everything looks amazing! I'm so jealous! Adam wouldn't let me tear up our grass to put in a garden...maybe next year? I can hope...
Looks like you guys have been having a good time...where the hell where you on Sunday?!?!? LOL Just kidding! Talk to you soon!!
That is the kind of garden to have,one that you never have to water. It is a beautiful garden.
My favorite part about growing your own food is picking it fresh and it always has more flavor.
Chuck is really ambitious, how awesome.
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